. . . organizes activities and events that educate our children, young adults, and older adults in engaging ways about Jewish heritage and the world around us, including the High Holiday ceremonies of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Chanukah, Passover and other celebrations, and regular Friday-night Adult Education Programs. We learn to care for our fellow community members, support the greater communities in which we live, help preserve our environment, pursue social and economic justice, and work to “repair the world” in which we live.
. . . provided historical and cultural approaches to the study of our Jewishness for over 90 years. Our inclusive, secular school for children K through 7th grades was located in central New Jersey and attracted families of diverse structures and backgrounds. Our Jewishness is reflected in our commitment to each other, to Tikkun Olam, Hebrew for "repair the world,"and to make a shenere un bessere velt, Yiddish for "a more beautiful and better world." The COVID-19 pandemic halted our school program, and there are currently no plans to resume. We are very proud to have been part of helping generations of children develop a positive Jewish identity and a social conscience rooted in their Jewish heritage.