Young Adults
We believe that Young Adults of college age or older who are seeking a secular Jewish community will find a welcome home at I.L. Peretz. All our community events are held within walking distance (or a short drive) of Rutgers University’s College Avenue campus. We organize activities and events that educate young adults in engaging ways about Jewish heritage and the world around us, including High Holiday, Chanukah, Purim, Passover and other celebrations; weekly Friday-night and Sunday-morning Adult Education Programs; and Yiddish language instruction. We learn to care for our fellow community members, support the greater communities in which we live, help preserve our environment, pursue social and economic justice, and work to “repair the world” in which we live.
If you would like more information about the I.L. Peretz Secular Jewish Community, please Contact Us.
Teen Group
We invite all interested teens to join the I.L. Peretz Teen Group! The Teen Group is open to children aged 13 to 19 who have a parent or guardian who is or becomes a Peretz Community Member. Teen Group activities have included social events, mitzvah projects, movie nights, discussions, and usually food. In recent years, the Teen Group has also supported our school by assisting in running our Purim carnival. Membership covers most museum and theater tickets, transportation costs, food, and other event expenses and is a great value at only $50 per teen. We are constantly exploring new ways to involve our teens in our Jewish community, and look forward to building and enriching the teen experience.
If you would like to organize a particular Teen Group event or would like more information about our Teen Group, please Contact Us.